The Virtues of a Giant Killer — Part 3

Series: Vision Beyond 2020

Speaker: Bishop James E. Collins

February 7, 2021
1 Samuel 17:38-51

Bishop James E. Collins

Presiding Bishop

Sermon Notes

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Follow Along with the Message

Vision Beyond 2020
The Virtues of a Giant Killer
I Samuel 17:38-51


I. The Value of Spiritual Vision

  1. Spiritual vision gives God-ordained .


  1. Spiritual vision gives renewed .


  1. Spiritual vision gives one the ability to see what others don’t see in  they see.


  1. Spiritual vision gives way to the promise of .


  1. Spiritual vision gives release for the demonstration of the  of God.


II. The Virtues of a Giant Killer

  1. Giant killers see the  as greater than the challenge.


  1. Giant killers don't waste time and energy on .


  1. Giant killers choose their battles .


  1. Giant killers use past victories to  themselves toward future victories.


  1. Giant killers stand on  in God today because of His  yesterday.


  1. Giant killers operate/fight within their own .


  1. Giant killers refuse to be intimidated by the  or  of the Giant.


  1. Giant killers ultimately go after Giants that God might be .


  1. Giant killers  to the battle.


III. The Conclusion of the Matter

  5 Characteristics of a spiritual vision:
      (Adapted from: 5 Characteristics of a Godly Vision by Dan Black)

  1. The vision leads to  others.
  2. The vision  God.
  3. The vision is  focused.
  4. The vision  the devil.
  5. The vision  God's Kingdom.

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