The Dilemma of Divorce — Part 2

Series: Love: Passion or Promise?

Speaker: Bishop James E. Collins

May 2, 2021
Matthew 19:1-9

Bishop James E. Collins

Presiding Bishop

Sermon Notes

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Follow Along with the Message

Love: Passion or Promise?
The Dilemma of Divorce
Matthew 19:1-9


I. What Does God Say About Divorce?

   Three important principles for correct interpretation of scripture:

       1) Keep in mind the  thing which you are reading.


       2) Find out the  setting of the verses.


       3) Look at the verses that come  the one you are considering and the verses that come  it.


  1. Divorce is the symptomatic manifestations of marital .


  2. God  divorce.



II. Is There a Time to Dissolve a Marriage?

  1. Some marriages ought to be dissolved because they are  and/or .


  2. Some marriages ought to be dissolved because they are detrimental to the  and  well-being of the children.


III. How to Avoid Becoming a Divorce Statistic

  1. Avoid misuse of  and .


  2. Avoid abusive power .


  3. Learn to resolve .


  4. Stay .

       Cleave (Greek): To chase her in hot ; to  her; stick to her like .


  1. Keep your eyes at .



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