The Demonic and Subtle Power of Division — Part 1

Series: Unity... The Heartbeat of Jesus

Speaker: Bishop James E. Collins

July 4, 2021

Bishop James E. Collins

Presiding Bishop

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Unity — The Heartbeat of Jesus
The Demonic and Subtle Power of Division


I. What God Says About Division

  1. God  division.


  1. God holds every Christian  and  for keeping division out of the body.


  1. Division at its core is  driven.


  1. Division is  by two driving spiritual forces.




II. The Kind of Divisive Spirits That Exist

  1. The Spirit of the : A person who speaks quietly, so that only people in close proximity can hear. A peddler of negative information about others to cast them in a dark light.


  1. The Spirit of the : The act of harming a person’s reputation by telling one or more other people something that is untrue and damaging about the person.


  1. The Spirit of the : A person who is especially fond of or addicted to gossiping.


  1. The Spirit of the : A person who attacks the character or reputation of the person who is not present.


  1. The Spirit of the : To murmur or mutter in discontent; complain sullenly.


  1. The Spirit of the : Resentful or annoyed or wounded feelings. Typically as a result of perceived insult.


  1. The Spirit of the : The quality of being overly critical. To make observations about someone without a personal relationship with them.


  1. The Spirit of the : Idle, often sensational and groundless talk with others about others. Little Tattle-tale.


  1. The Spirit of the : The one who is always in everyone else’s business. Consistently going from here to there to be in the know.


III. The Conclusion of the Matter

  1. Divisive spirits breed  toxicity.

        Toxicity: The level of poison contained in a drug, or the ability of a drug to poison the body.

  1. Divisive spirits make the Body of Christ .
  2. Divisive spirits make the Body of Christ .

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