Peace in Perilous and Uncertain Times — Part 2

Series: Peace in Perilous and Uncertain Times

Speaker: Bishop James E. Collins

March 29, 2020

Bishop James E. Collins

Presiding Bishop

Sermon Notes

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Follow Along with the Message

Peace In Perilous and Uncertain Times


I. Reminder of Truths Concerning Peace

  1. Peace is a promise.
  2. Peace can only come from the Father through Jesus Christ.
  3. Peace from God transcends human understanding.
  4. Peace can be multiplied.

II. Obtaining and Maintaining the Promise of Peace

  1. Peace comes through trusting God to be your source.


  1. Peace comes from trusting God to be your  .


  1. Peace comes from making God your continual  .


            Misconceptions Concerning Peace:

                        1) A peaceful life is void of  .


                        2) A peaceful life means   problems.


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