One Nation Under Deceit — Part 2

Series: One Nation Under Deceit

Speaker: Bishop James E. Collins

July 12, 2020

Bishop James E. Collins

Presiding Bishop

Sermon Notes

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Follow Along with the Message

One Nation Under Deceit
Jeremiah 9:1-6, 17:7-10


I. Five Big Lies

  1. America was     to be a Christian nation.


  2. America     Christian nation.


  3. America is moving toward  ,  , and  .


  4.   was meant to be free of Christian influence.


  5.   justice and   justice are the same.


                        Two key Hebrew words:

                                    1)  : To treat people equitably.

                                    2)  : Being just or being righteous.


II. How The Church Should Live Out Biblical Justice

  1. The Church must always base our position on the   of the Word of God on all issues.



  1. True justice can never be defined   from the Word of God.



  1. The Church must never equivocate on the reality that   is violation of God's law.



  1. The Church must never allow the issues of the times to become our    .



III. The Conclusion of the Matter

  1. We must do justice  .


  2. We must do justice with    .


  3. We must do justice with   and  .


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