Moral Hazards — Part 2

Series: Danger Zones

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Speaker: Bishop James E. Collins

February 10, 2019

Bishop James E. Collins

Presiding Bishop

Sermon Notes

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Danger Zones
Moral Hazards
Revelation 2:12-29

Moral Hazard: When someone takes the life of Christ and is irresponsible… negligent with it.


I. Three Major Reasons Moral Hazards Populate the Body of Christ

  1. The “ ” mentality.


         a. We do not come  Christ. Christ comes into .



         b. When He comes into us there is an immediate transfer of .



  1. Christians are becoming the norm rather than the exception.



        The test of the authentic: That which is born of the flesh is flesh (/); That which is born of the spirit is spirit (/).



        There are , and  differences between the authentic and the synthetic:

             The synthetic  the authentic for striving to live holy.

             The authentic seek to live  that might please God.


             The synthetic chase after what pleases the .

             The authentic chase after  and what pleases Him.


             The synthetic craves love and thrives after the  of man.

             The authentic thrives only on the  of God.


             The synthetic often draws  to itself.

             The authentic unobtrusively points to the  and , Jesus Christ.


             The synthetic is always seeking  opportunities.

             The authentic responds only to  opportunities.


             The synthetic seeks to  from men.

             The authentic upon the Lord for his or her strength.


             The synthetic often walks in  and subsequent .

             The authentic walks in  and his pathway is full of .


             The synthetic knows the  seasons, but is oblivious to God’s  seasons and times.

             The authentic is alert to seasons of God’s  .


             The synthetic usually spreads out like a .

             The authentic  like a  on God’s purposes.


             The synthetic answers questions nobody is .

             The authentic speak the  from God toward the issues of life and gets involved in what  people’s lives.


             The synthetic is full of  and  work when it benefits them.

             The authentic is  regardless of personal benefits.


             The synthetic is full of  concerning people’s  good luck and lucky breaks.

             The authentic has a keen sense of  in God’s plan for his life.


  1. There is an overwhelming spirit of and  gripping the body of Christ.



II. How To Become Authentic

  1. You must  to be authentic.



        Irrevocable: Not able to be ; . Cannot be .


You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”

— Theodore Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss)


   2. You must come to the place of  .


   3. You must learn the power of  and .


III. The Conclusion of the Matter

   1. The synthetic hinders the churches ability to  the world.


   2. The authentic understand that you cannot separate the  and the .


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