Joseph — A Teenager's Dilemma — Part 1

Series: Joseph — A Teenager's Dilemma

Speaker: Bishop James E. Collins

December 8, 2019

Bishop James E. Collins

Presiding Bishop

Sermon Notes

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Joseph: A Teenager’s Dilemma
Matthew 1:18-25


I. Three Lessons From Joseph When You Have a Dilemma in Life

  1. Joseph took time to  the situation.



  1. Joseph took time to  over the situation.



  1. Joseph  once the answer to the dilemma came.



        Joseph obeyed two key instructions:

            1) He took Mary home as his .


            2) He  the baby Jesus.


        Every step he takes is proof of a man who cared more about  than :

            1) By marrying her quickly he broke all Jewish /.


            2) By keeping her a virgin until Jesus was born, he protected the miracle of Jesus’ conception by the Holy Spirit against  by unbelievers.


            3) By naming the baby he exercised a  prerogative.


II. Because of Joseph’s Obedience We Have Jesus Whose Name Is More Than “Just” a Name

  1. It’s an  name.



  1. It’s an  name.



  1. It’s an  name.



III. Because of Joseph’s Obedience God Came to Man


   Immanuel: God  us.

   7 Promises of Christmas because Immanuel is with us:

  1. Jehovah-Yireh = Your 



  1. Jehovah-Nissi = Your  



  1. Jehovah-Shalom = Your  



  1. Jehovah-Tsidkenu = Your  



  1. Jehovah-Tsuri = Your  



  1. Jehovah-Tseboath = Your Lord of  



  1. Jehovah-Rapheka = Your God Who  



IV. The Conclusion of the Matter

  1. For every dilemma in life God has an .



  1. Jesus is as close as the   of his name.


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