Female vs Woman | Part 1

Series: Female VS Woman

Speaker: Bishop James E. Collins

May 14, 2023

Bishop James E. Collins

Presiding Bishop

Sermon Notes

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Female vs Woman
Genesis 1:26-31


I. Clear Distinctions Between Females and Women

   1. Every woman is a , but not every female is a .


   2. Females are , while womanhood is a .


   3. Females live to ; women live to .


   4. Females stay trapped in a cocoon of  built on lies.


II. Lies That Keep Women Bound In the Cocoon of Female Bondage



   1. The Lie: Women must prove they  to men.

       The Truth: Women are   with men.



   2. The Lie: A virtuous woman is  and .

       The Truth: A Virtuous woman is  and .



   3. The Lie:  beauty is more important than  beauty.

       The Truth: True beauty begins  and  without.



   4. The Lie: If a woman has a  she will be happy.

       The Truth: A woman does the work to  her own happiness.

           A greatly misunderstood truth: Happy wife, happy life



   5. The Lie:   makes you a woman.

       The Truth: Birthing children makes you Biblically and biologically .



   6. The Lie: A woman must give herself away  to get and keep a man.

       The Truth: A man will help you maintain your  .


           Cover: To ; to ; to  in.


    7. The Lie: Failures of the  have power over the .

       The  Truth: Failures of the past only dictate what a woman .



III. The Conclusion of the Matter

   1. The matriculation from female to womanhood is a  not a .


   2. The journey cannot be successfully matriculated .

        Scriptures:       (GNT)


   3. The goal of every female in the Kingdom of God should be to become a  .


        Virtuous Woman: A quality that sets one  from everyone else in , , and .


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