Authority... Rebellion... Divine Discipline — Part 2

Series: Unity... The Heartbeat of Jesus

Speaker: Bishop James E. Collins

August 8, 2021

Bishop James E. Collins

Presiding Bishop

Sermon Notes

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Unity… The Heartbeat of Jesus
Authority… Rebellion… Divine Discipline
Numbers 16:1-7, 12-14, 28-35


I. The Facts of Korah’s Rebellion

  1. Korah’s rebellion, like all, had a  and .



  1. Korah’s power play, like all rebellions, gathered an .


  2. Korah’s rebellion, like all, is a  to God’s delegated authority.


  3. Korah’s rebellion, like all, did not go  by God.



  1. Korah’s rebellion, is a reminder to all to  divisive, argumentative, contentious people in the body of Christ.



II. Two Principles at Work in the Earth

  1. The principle of God’s … produces .



  1. The principle of Lucifer’s/Satan’s  (KJV — The  of Iniquity)



III. Truths Concerning “Anointed” Ministry

  1. True ministry is  ministry anointed by the Holy Spirit.



  1. Satan always  spiritual authority in some way.



  1. Divine discipline for rebellion always carries a  purpose.

        The lie of the modern day church is that rebellion is no big deal because we are  .



  1. God’s divine discipline always lets you choose between  and .



IV. The Conclusion of the Matter

  1. We live in an imperfect age, yet God demands and Jesus desires  .



  1. There is no greater poison to the soul than the spirit of rebellion born of the Lucifer Spirit.



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