The Woman You Gave Me — Part 4

Series: The Woman You Gave Me

Speaker: Bishop James E. Collins

May 29, 2022

Bishop James E. Collins

Presiding Bishop

Sermon Notes

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The Woman You Gave Me
Genesis 3:1-12


I. Six Ways Women Are Devalued

  1. Devaluation


       “It’s impossible to hold up the banners of victim and victory at the same time” — Lisa Terkeurst

  1. Devaluation


  2. Devaluation


  3. Devaluation


  4. Devaluation


  5. Devaluation


II. Five Ways to Become the Woman God Purposed You to Be

  1. Understand and embrace the reality that Jesus demolished the double standard established by  and .



  1. Understand and embrace the reality that you are an   .



  1. Understand and embrace the reality of where your value   .

        1) Deal with and let God heal your .


        2) Deal with and let God and counselors heal you from   .


        3) Set your own .


  1. Understand and embrace the reality that the estimation of your value rises exponentially when you are   .



         Five things God will do to prepare you for a pure relationship (Mark Ballenger):

          1) God will help you reject the  of  to prepare you for a pure relationship.



          2) God will give you a biblical vision for purity based on Christ and not   .



          3) God will prepare your heart for purity so your  will follow.



          4) God will help you find someone with the same   .



          5) God will help you be - rather than -.



  1. Understand and embrace the reality that the warfare is against your   .



III. The Conclusion of the Matter

  1. You are  image-bearer.



  1. You are the woman God gave .



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