The God of Yesterday Today and Forever - Part 4

Series: The God of Yesterday, Today and Forever

Speaker: Bishop James E. Collins

August 23, 2020
Joshua 10:12-14

Bishop James E. Collins

Presiding Bishop

Sermon Notes

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Follow Along with the Message

The God Yesterday, Today and Forever
Joshua 10:12-14
Key Scripture: I Corinthians 4:14-17


I. The Heart and Purpose of Spiritual Fathers

  1. A spiritual father   his spiritual children.



  1. A spiritual father   his spiritual children.



  1. A spiritual father   his spiritual children.



  1. A spiritual father sets an   for his spiritual children.



  1. A spiritual father   his spiritual children.



  1. A spiritual father   his spiritual children.



  1. A spiritual father   his spiritual children.



II. The Conclusion of the Matter

  1. Without fathers we lack five things:

      1) We have no  .


      2) We have no  .


      3) We have no  .


      4) We have no  .


      5) We have no true  .


  1. Without spiritual fathers the Kingdom of God operates like a   kingdom.



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