
Women's Ministry

February 21, 2025 at 7pm-9pm

Join us for Women's Ministry on Friday, February 21 at 6:30 pm, as we get to know one another over dinner and draw closer to God through study! Each time we meet your heart will be blessed by the company of other Women of God, your spirit encouraged through the words of Lady Brenda, and you may even walk away with the gift of the night! Childcare is available for children Grades 5 and under. Dinner begins at 6:30 pm.

This form closes Thursday February 20th


Men's Ministry

February 22, 2025 at 9am-12pm

Join the Sons of Issachar for the Men's Ministry Breakfast on Saturday, February 22 at 9:00 am, as we get to know one another over great food and draw closer to God through study! Begin building a bond with other strong men of faith, find your spirit edified and encouraged through the Word, and lay the foundation for a lasting legacy!

This form closes Friday February 21st at 12pm.


Kingdom Girls Summer Camp: Kingdom Creation

July 21 - July 25 | 8 am - 4 pm

Kingdom Girls Summer Camp is Back! Join us July 21-26 for days jam packed with breakfast, lunch, exercise, lessons, games, activities, arts and crafts, and so much more! At KG 2025: Kingdom Creation your Kingdom Girl will learn about Kingdom Girls in the Bible God used in a mighty way, discover the gifts God has placed inside her, and develop confidence in who God created her to be in His Kingdom! We will end the week with a very special friends and family day on Saturday, July 26 hosted and planned entirely by the Kingdom Girls!

Sign-up Volunteer

EHC Shuttle Service Registration

Do you take public transportation to get to church on Sundays? Eagle Heights Sunday Shuttle Service is here to help! Register weekly for rides to and from EHC at two different locations. Registrations close at midnight the Thursday before.

First Pick-Up | 10:30 am, Wellington Station Bus Lane, Revere Beach Parkway, Medford
Second Pick-Up | 10:45 - 10:50 am, Parkside Commons, Building One, 1016 Revere Beach Pkwy, Chelsea
Departure | 10-15 minutes after 2nd Service dismissal, First Drop-Off at Wellington Station, Second Drop-Off at Parkside Commons

Register weekly by Thursday at midnight.
